Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nearly Over

So, it's already the end of February. And apparently I've only posted once this month. And apparently some of you noticed. (Thanks. I think.)
Obviously I'm a tad behind. Maybe even a little slow, quite possibly overwhelmed, and most definitely lacking the time to catch up. So I won't try.
February came and it's quickly leaving - the blur that is a shorter month anyway.
Valentines - pink pancakes, flowers, candy, and special cards from Nana. No romantic dinner out with just my man, but he did take all of us out for wings and tenders. Me not cooking? A wonderful gift.
Pretty good, huh? But wait, there's more. My kids enjoyed a wonderful Valentines party with friends, and I enjoyed the time to watch my kids smile while I talked with friends of my own. This homeschooling gig is a team effort... a "village to raise a child" kind of thing.
We went to bed one evening listening to the sound of ice pellets rain against the house. It was a cozy feeling to know we were warm inside and would wake up to a glassy shimmer on everything. Not the snow we were originally hoping for, but still a fun wintry mix that let us slip and slide outside for the day.
And theeeeen, a handful of days later we woke up to real snow. Real, slushy, inch-deep snow. A race-to-eat-breakfast-and-play-outside-because-it-will-quickly-melt kind of snow. My kind of snow storm, personally.
Jax was dazed and confused at first - standing with his lil feet planted on the ground and unwilling to move. But after watching his brothers wrestle and run around, and after his sister offered him some to taste, he decided the cold white stuff was pretty fun. So fun that coming inside meant kicking and screaming.
School continued to at a good pace this month. Even after a week of being away, my boys stayed on top of things. Annalyse has finished her preschool ABC materials and calls herself "the letter champion." Or, in other words, a know it all.
All three started participating in weekly classes at a local nature center as well as a PE class at a local rec center. One hour with just Jax is amazingly simple to get in and out of Target - who woulda' thunk?
The boys had a couple of friends over for a sleepover. The noise levels. The "wet dog smell" when they came in from the woods. The amount of food consumed. The intensity of Nerf gun wars. Wow. That's all I've got: wow.

That same evening, Grady took Annalyse away for the night. A special daddy-daughter date to the American Girl store, dinner out, and a stay in a local hotel. Swimming at night and eating popcorn in bed while watching a movie with just daddy? It rocked her world in the best possible way.
The highlight of February other than Aruba? Celebrating 14 years with my best friend. Fourteen years of being loved, served, cherished, led, and cared for by a man who loves me honestly because he loves his Lord deeply.
With March a few days away we're ready for signs of spring, but are honestly enjoying the winter. My boys spend hours outside playing in the woods - something they don't enjoy nearly as much in the hot summers. And Annalyse and I have enjoyed time to play games and bake while "the boys aren't around the be loud and distract us."

I have the best of intentions of updating more than bi-monthly in March. Stick with me, kay?

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