Monday, May 13, 2013

School Hiatus

We didn't do anything school-related today. And we won't do anything school-related tomorrow or for the rest of the week, for that matter. I've mandated a hiatus. Maybe because I want a break. Maybe because my boys are technically done and they know it. Maybe because the weather is perfect and taking a week to just play outside is more important.

Left to their own creativity, my boys are pretty good at concocting things to do. Grady had an art project designed and carefully dictated to everyone else in a matter or minutes. Micah had a vision of making parachutes, attaching them to army men, and dropping them off the back porch. This was all by 9:00 this morning.
Once paint projects were drying and army men had dropped and soared a hundred and one times, Micah grabbed a pencil and paper and announced, "Okay everyone. We're going to sit down and make a list of things we can do to make an obstacle course in the front yard." And so we did.
That was four, yes four, hours ago. I ordered pizza for dinner tonight and they scarcely ate a slice before heading back outside to keep on maneuvering through their obstacle course. Currently, my front lawn, sidewalk, and driveway is covered in cones, balls, jump ropes, golf clubs, ball gloves, and a plethora of lines and mazes drawn in chalk. I think there is even a hopscotch that goes up to 50. At least that's what I last heard Grady Lee yell out when he completed the long stretch of hopping down the front walk.

I'm banking on early bedtimes because this many hours of fresh air and nonstop movement has to be tiring. 
As for tomorrow? Not sure what's on the docket yet. Maybe just more outside play. Or maybe a visit to a new park we haven't yet explored. We'll see what we're all up to tomorrow morning at breakfast and majority vote will win. I may be able to sway the vote in my favor with the promise of playing in water. I'd like to visit the botanical gardens and I know the kids would enjoy the fountains...

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