Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Simple Things

1. Taking the week off from blogging. Actually, taking most of the month off from blogging. Not because I don't have stories to tell and not because I don't have things to share. But because my family has been busy enjoying each other and enjoying the season and I decided that keeping my blogging to a minimum would be best.

But, you have to know that your messages to check in and say hi have meant the world! I'm so happy to have friends and acquaintances that wonder about my little family enough to take time and ask.
2. Realizing that no giant bow or headband is big enough to cover the tragic haircut on my little girl. Is this a bad thing or a good thing, you ask. Both. The bad: Annalyse clipped her hair and did enough damage to merit a major cut. The good: She will always be my darling little girl... even with a bowl cut.
3. Enjoying simple pleasures. Things like a hot bubble bath and a good magazine. A Starbucks Peppermint Mocha because of a gift card. A neighbor that paid me a meaningful compliment when I expected it least and needed it most. Tossing schoolwork to the side and opting to play Uno and Sorry by the fire while eating Christmas cookies.
What about you - what Simple Things did you appreciate this week?


  1. Gingerbread lane is one of our favorite stops during the Christmas season. It's so much fun! And sweet A still looks just as precious as can be...even with her new, shorter cut! Enjoy this season with your family! It's such a wonderful time of year!

  2. A night with friends...yummy games...great conversation...the blessing of fellowship with kindred (clean) spirit! :-)
