Friday, December 14, 2012

Busy Doing and Busy Thinking

It's Friday. Already. [Gulp.]

And I haven't blogged all week. Forgive me?

This week has been fast and furious and fun. We've attended a "Victorian Christmas in North Carolina" class at a local museum. We joined lots of homeschooling friends for Christmas crafts and treats. We joined a group at our local nature center to hike the woods and gather all-things-natural to then turn into creative Christmas ornaments. We enjoyed lunch out with friends. We played basketball and volleyball with our College Group friends. We had dinner and games with a family friend (who happens to be a Rock Star in the eyes of my kids). 

And, yes, there's been plenty of the normal and routine. Doctor appointment. Speech therapy. Errands, which, by the way, I hope I don't see the inside of Target again for a very, very long time. Laundry and cleaning and meal making. Christmas baking and shopping and wrapping. And that little thing called "school." You know, that thing where I'm supposed to help teach my kids a thing or two and cross my fingers that they're not hopelessly behind and academic delinquents in the making.

I haven't had much face time with my husband because we've all been going in different directions at different times. And, I'll just say it: I wish other people knew how lucky they were that he willingly gives his time for them. He's got four other people at home that want his time, too. My handsome man walked in the door with flowers and a kiss for me this evening - I think he misses me as well. This evening? Not going anywhere. Just us, at home. Saturday and Sunday? Whirlwind again. But tonight? Nothing. And I have the jitters thinking about simply being home.

I've had a heavy heart this week for so many precious friends. God has blessed me with friends who are women of faith and grace and contentment and strength. Beautiful strength! A friend with a little guy facing and going through medical situations every mother shudders to think of. A friend with financial needs and seemingly no financial resources in reach. A friend who has brought a precious little one into her home through the gift of adoption, and by doing so made the decision to walk through very difficult emotional and physical and spiritual paths with that little one. 

And now, today. Moms who waved goodbye as their kids walked into school and are now on their faces with weeping and anguish because their kids aren't coming home. Ever. While I'm not connected in a relational way with these moms, I'm connected by the heart of being a fellow mom. And I cannot fathom the pain and loss and questions.

If I'm honest, I've had some heavy thoughts this week on a personal level, too. More like heavy questions, actually. So much happening in my mind and in my heart and I'm trying to weigh it all in light of God's Truth and how it looks in day-to-day reality. It's usually very easy for me to make decisions - but consistently following through on those decisions can be tough. Especially when family holds a different perspective.

But all of this week stands still tonight. Because I'm home, with my family, and doing nothing. Unless a hot bubble bath counts as doing something. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad to walk through this life with you as you consistently and intentionally follow through with your biggest decisions! Love you, friend!
