Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Joy: Tradition, Expectation, Discovery

When the calendar flips to December 1, our family does something each day to celebrate and build anticipation for Christmas. Here's a look at some of what we've been up to...

Decorating the tree
Making salt-dough ornaments
Learning about Jesus' birthday
Making homemade wrapping paper
Preparing for a white Christmas
Assembling Operation Christmas Child boxes
Making cookies
Reading Christmas books and watching Christmas movies
Decorating a gingerbread house
And just think, it's only December 10! Fifteen days of Christmas fun remain...


  1. Seems like a whole month of wonderful Christmas activities & so exciting there are still 2 weeks left to prepare & celebrate!! Love the way you guys are preparing your hearts & home for this blessed season!

  2. I would definitely say you have cause to be on Christmas break! You're doing enough FUN stuff each day...who wants to do school! Love your homemade wrapping paper. What a cute idea! Beautiful pics!

  3. What FUN and what GREAT ideas! You'll have to share your recipe for the salt-dough ornaments. I know my kids would LOVE to make some too!
