Friday, January 20, 2012

The Simple Things

1. Gently-used clothes that friends generously pass on to me for my kids to wear.

2. Peppermint mocha's... don't get tired of hearing me say that. I've got a whole lot of cash on a Starbucks gift card and there will be many more yet to come this winter!

3. Friends that care and want to see me succeed. Ones that want to see homeschooling work for me. Ones that want to see Grady Lee be all he can be. Ones that want to see my ministry desires fulfilled. Ones that want to step in and help since it really and truly does take a village to raise a family.

What about you - what Simple Things did you appreciate this week?

1 comment:

  1. Warm winter gear on a cold, cold day (not to mention a place to live with working heat).
