Backyard BBQ + Ice Cream Sundae Bar + Yard Games +Extended Family (+ No Rain!) = Perfect Labor Day!
Annalyse was especially thankful for older girl cousins who haven't yet outgrown American Girl dolls, and who still play and pretend with abandon.

A huge thank you to my sweet sister,, Sarah for cooking and baking and planning and preparing and cleaning and organizing and rearranging and accommodating and going above and beyond on every detail!
After leaving PA we made an overnight stop in Washington DC to enjoy some of the sights. This was our fourth stop there with the kids, and each time we try to see or do something different. This time: renting bikes and cruising around the mall to see the monuments.
This was SO MUCH fun and we CANNOT wait to do it again! So long to the days of pushing a stroller or carrying toddlers on our shoulders as we trudged the mall from the Capitol down to the Lincoln Memorial. Long live the awesome two-wheeled invention that makes sightseeing a breeze!
The following day we enjoyed five hours at The Museum of the Bible... and even at that we didn't read/watch/see everything. This museum is well worth the visit: hands-on exhibits, interactive technology, interesting movies, an intentional layout, and quality staff.
(Sadly, not many pictures since my phone battery died. Sigh.)
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