Just stop it already. Stop growing. Stop changing. Stop maturing. Stop learning. Stop becoming.
Except that I've thoroughly enjoyed every single day of life with you and I marvel at all that's transpired in these short years. God is gracious and good.
So, I guess I need to be a big girl and tell you to go ahead and keep at it. Keep growing into a beautiful young woman. Keep changing your ideas and interests and experiences - keep your life colorful. Keep maturing into a young lady who loves Jesus, loves others, and loves herself. Keep learning about God's big world and embrace your special place in it. Keep becoming the person God created you to be, because you're the only you!
Meanwhile, I'll buckle up and continue to enjoy my front seat adventure of life with you.
You went to bed seven and woke up eight! Streamers and cinnamon rolls greeted you - along with a very off-key Happy Birthday from your adoring brothers.
It may have been your birthday, but your mean ole mom still made it a school day. But, in between subjects you opened cards from extended family, and during lunch your bestie came by with a small surprise for you.
That's my girl! Animated, expressive, and appreciative. You love opening gifts, and I love watching you open and respond to gifts.Marble cake: ✔
Pink frosting: ✔
Purple frosting: ✔
Colorful sprinkles: ✔
You asked... and you received Birthday Girl!
Hands down the highlight of your birthday was getting your ears pierced. You couldn't wait. You talked about if for months. You'd talk about it mid-problem during math. You'd talk about it during dinner. You'd talk about it while taking a shower. You'd talk about it before bedtime prayers. It didn't matter where you were or what you were doing, it somehow entered the conversation.
You chose where our family ate for dinner and then we all marched through the mall towards Claire's. It. Was. Time. (Eeekkkkk!)
You happily climbed up into the chair and confidently chose which pair of studs you wanted. As things were getting set up and cleaned, you began to get nervous. Your smile faded. Your eyes began to water. And you slid off the chair ready to leave.
But, a quick pep-talk from Mom, a hug and "You're beautiful and I'm proud of you" from Dad, and you were ready to go again.
A quick 1-2-3 and you were smiling proudly with two sparkling flower earrings on display!
About a week after your birthday, Dad took you out on a date. He tries to do this periodically, but he wanted this time to be special. He made dinner reservations at McCormick and Schmick's because he knew you really wanted "small, crispy shrimp." And, he reserved one of the special tables in the back with the privacy curtain so you could be alone in your own room. You came home so excited about "the really fancy place" Dad took you.
Hey Annalyse? Someday, in the far away future, look for a man who loves Jesus, loves you, and loves his family. Look for a man who works hard, who persists when things are difficult, and who manages priorities under pressure. Look for a man who lives with integrity, values truth, and models servant hood. Come to think of it, look for a man like your Dad.
You invited a few friends to join you for a birthday party at the botanical gardens, but a hurricane blew through and we had to postpone until late October. No worries... you girls ran around playing tag, hide and go seek, and laughing loudly, not caring that flowers weren't in bloom and that it was too cold to play in the fountains.

Annalyse Joy, Happy Birthday baby girl! (Because, you know, you'll always be my baby girl.)
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