Tuesday, August 29, 2017


We're about three weeks into our school year, and so far so good! After two hours of seat work this morning, we shut the books and headed outside for a backyard walk. The temperature has recently dropped and had all of us eager to be out in the fresh air! (For this Southern-blooded crew, 67 degrees meant pants and long sleeves.)
Homeschooling to us means freedom. Each year we grow in our love for the journey we're on, and each year we continue to discover and enjoy freedom in so many unique and unexpected ways.
Number one? Freedom to move and explore outside at will. God's playground is, I think, one of the best places to learn while playing.
Freedom to forge deep relationships because we aren't rushed or constrained to a schedule.
Freedom to discover and pursue interests and opportunities, as well as freedom to navigate problems and manage consequences.
Freedom to be a kid! I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the times I remind my kids they only get one shot at being a kid, but have the rest of their lives to develop as an adult.

Our list of homeschooling freedoms continues. I never want to take them for granted or assume homeschooling is a privilege I'll always have. But for today? Today I am thankful and enjoying the freedom.

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