Sunday, July 23, 2017

Grady Lee Turned 11! (A month ago... oops!)

My itty-bitty baby of firstborn is now a tall-strong young man. He almost looks me in the eye. His feet are bigger than mine. His shirts fit me perfectly (and he will DIE the day he sees me wearing one of his athletic t's!). He eats way more than I do. And he is starting to care about deodorant and hair gel and clothes that match. 
Gone are the days of being my little guy. He's now my go-to for muscle power. (Wasn't I just twisting a lid on his sippy cup and cutting his grapes in half last week?!)
Grady spent his birthday weekend in Atlanta enjoying a couple of Braves baseball games - and the week after our family celebrated him with gifts and his favorite meal. 
Each of his siblings took turns visiting Five Below to purchase birthday gifts for their big brother, and each chose well based on things they knew Grady really liked. What a gift for me to watch them love him so well!
The years really do happen so fast. There have been long days, frustrating weeks, and discouraging months, but the years? They whiz by and they are filled with so many moments of laughter and joy and wonder and special moments that we've shared. I wouldn't trade the past 11 years for anything.
Sometimes when he's quiet and still I look at him and I admire his handsome face, his athletic build, his sharp mind, his caring spirit, and his hard-working effort. And I marvel that God gave him to me to love and shepherd and teach and disciple.

Me! I get a front row seat to this crazy journey he's on. What a privilege.
Grady Lee, Dad and Mom are your biggest advocates and your biggest fans. The world will surround you with people who care about you and your gifts and your abilities for the moment that suites them. Not us. We're on your team for the long road - and with great joy - because we know our great God has plans and purposes that are good.

Want to be successful? Choose Jesus. Pursue truth. Demonstrate love. Lead by serving.

We love you and are proud of you Buddy! Happy 11th Birthday.

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