Friday, December 16, 2016

Georgia Aquarium

Grady had a some business in Atlanta for a couple of days, so the kids and I did the obvious thing: tagged along to enjoy a free vacation some fun field trips.

We've visited Atlanta so many times over the years that navigating eight lanes of highway traffic, figuring out public transportation, and caravaning my troops around downtown isn't overwhelming to me. Tiring? Yes. But nerve wracking? No.

Before spending a day at the Georgia Aquarium, we stopped by Johnny Rockets for lunch. This place was a win in so many ways.

"Christmas designed" ketchup? Free nickels for the jukebox? Spilled chocolate milk but no tears? A great start to a fun day.
I can't remember the details of our last visit to the Georgia Aquarium. It was either before Annalyse was born or when she was under a year. Regardless, it had been several years and it was fun to see all the new additions of animals and exhibits.
When we arrived around 12:30, there were 23 school buses parked out front all loading up with kids. When we stepped inside the aquarium, it was eerily quiet. Hardly anyone was left! When we visited several years ago, I remember having to wait in line just to view certain fish.
This PSA is free for you: go to the aquarium in the afternoon. Your kids will thank you. Your feet will thank you. Your emotional stability will thank you.
Cameras weren't allowed during the dolphin show and the sea lion show, which is such a bummer because they were AMAZING shows. We visited Sea World this past winter and when I compare the two dolphin shows, I felt like this one was much better.
During a performance with the sea lions, it took every bit of self-control Grady Lee could muster up in his over-eager impulsive body not to reach out and touch a sea lion that stopped right in front of him.

The audience had been warned that it anyone tried to touch the sea lions they would be escorted out. But when 12-year old Diego stopped right in from of Grady Lee, lifted a flipper, waved and barked, I thought my son was about to die for lack of not being able to jump out of his seat and hug the long-whiskered pudgy animal.

I had several proud home school mom moments. There were times I was ready to move on to a new tank and my boys would say, "Wait Mom. I'm not done reading about this fish yet."

Well fine. Be that way. Read and learn and understand the animals and their habitats why don't you.
Here's another free PSA for any of you newbie aquarium visitors.

Even if your kids roll up their sleeves before touching sea stars, sharks, coral, and sting rays, there is still a high probability that their pants, shoes, and hair will get wet. (Yes, HAIR.) I'm not sure how. I'm not sure why. But I am sure it can happen.
This little guy had a full day and fought a nap until we got comfortable in a 4D movie of "The Polar Express." Despite snow falling on us, vibrating chairs, and the smell of hot chocolate wafting through the air, he had a solid 20-minute nap.
Next up: our visit to the Fernbank Museum and our adventures at the Lennox Mall.

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