Monday, October 13, 2014

Last Week

Last week was full. In a good kind of way.

Attending a birthday party. Taking a field trip to a local plantation. Enjoying a picnic and park date with other homeschoolers.  Having an evening of dinner with friends. Taking an afternoon playing by the lake. And packing and preparing for an extended weekend getaway.
Last week had news. In a sad kind of way.

Seeing others experience broken relationships. Watching friends struggle with guilt and worry. Hearing about difficult health issues. Experiencing the hurt of unconfessed sin. And watching all of the rapidly-expanding concerns about the Middle East and Ebola and Same Sex Marriage.
This week had questions. In a nagging kind of way.

Seeing new opportunities before us - do we take them or wait patiently where we are? Hearing the hearts of our kids - how do we shepherd with a nurturing firmness? Setting the priorities of obeying Christ - why does it seem so lonely sometimes? And watching leaders compromise - isn't it obvious the end doesn't justify the means?
Last week had blessings. In an unexpected kind of way.

Observing hints of fall color. Enjoying comfortable temperatures with light breezes and blue skies. Receiving prayers and messages from encouraging friends. And remembering, at the strangest of times, that God sees, God knows, and God controls.

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