Disney Day #2 and #4: Magic Kingdom!
I can't find the right words to describe how wonderfully fun and exciting Magic Kingdom was. And, with my broken camera, heaven knows I can't provide the right pictures to show how great it was either. This was, for sure, our favorite Disney park and we did everything there was to do as many times as possible!

We arrived before the park opened so that we could watch Mickey Mouse and the gang arrive on the train and greet us. The kids were dumbfounded - the music, the characters, the dancing, the excitement - they just stared and were mesmerized. (Notice that when Micah is focused on something, he actually scowls and looks ticked!)

As we entered the park and walked down Main Street, the kids were wide-eyed and smiling, while Grady bee-lined it to Fantasy Land in the back of the park. Once again, thanks to The List (remember my know-everything-there-is-to-know-about-Disney-friend, Juli?), we had the stroller parked and had enjoyed all of Fantasy Land within the first hour and a half without waiting for a thing! By the time we were nearing the end, the crowds had migrated to the back of the park and the wait times were creeping to the 45 minute mark. (Free tip: The List is always right!)

During the day we saw several shows - some at Cinderella's palace and some in theaters. Micah loved the 3D Mickeys' Philoharmagic show; Grady enjoyed the real-time comedy of Monsters, Inc.; Grady Lee just plain loved everything there was about every show we saw; and Annalyse was smitten with "Meeee Mouse!"
The great thing about Magic Kingdom is that our entire family could enjoy almost everything together. Annalyse was able to sit with Grady or I and ride most things. She gave her best at battling Zurg while on Buzz Lightyear, was giddy shouting "Baby! Baby!" over and over during Small World, and thought she was pretty cool sitting all by herself on People Mover.The boys were all smiles for each ride. The simple thrills. The new experiences. The fun joys. It was priceless for Grady and I to watch and priceless for them to enjoy.
Micah was a couple of inches too short for the Space Mountain height requirement and was crushed he couldn't ride. To make things fair, we decided that no one would ride and we'd wait until we came back and everyone could go. Aside from that, we enjoyed each ride and rode most of them several times because crowds were light... and because of tricks we learned from The List.
When The List instructs you to opt for a Fast Pass and wait on a popular ride, you obey. The List has the park figured out and knows how to maximize your time! And, because Grady or I had to sit out with Annalyse for a few rides, we took advantage of the Rider Switch in addition to the Fast Pass - making it possible for Grady and I to enjoy a ride with the kids without having to wait in line. Total win. This made all the difference. (Free tip: The List is always right.)
Just like Animal Kingdom, the Magic Kingdom parades were remarkable. My personal highlight, actually. Once again, The List plotted out the best viewing areas for the parade and for the evening fireworks. The kids enjoyed giving high-fives and knuckles to passing characters, and Annalyse even got several smiles and compliments on her hair bows and dresses from the passing princesses. When Minnie Mouse passed by, Annalyse squealed "Meee Mouse! Meee Mouse!" again and again, waiting for a hug or high-five that never came.
We had the chance to meet lots of the Disney characters throughout the week, but the boys were only interested in meeting those characters that required minimal wait times. Annalyse was all talk while we waited to meet Minnie Mouse: "Meee Mouse. I hug!"
But, just before meeting Minnie we were in line to meet Daisy Duck. The boys handed her a book to sign and gave out eager hugs. All was well and good - until Daisy bent down to hug Annalyse and conked her right on the head with her big plastic beak.
Oh. My. Goodness.
It was all over then. Annalyse was done. Wails. Shrieks, even. Annalyse was terrified of the huge yellow beak. So, when we were finally able to meet Minnie it took some coaxing and convincing to get Annalyse anywhere close.
I asked the kids what their favorite ride or show was and they said:
Micah: "Splash Mountain! And Pirates of the Caribbean. And probably Peter Pan, too."
Grady Lee: "Splash Mountain! Definitely Splash Mountain.
Annalyse: "Meee Mouse!" Meee Mouse!"
From sunup to sundown - we made the most of two (very full and very fun) days at Magic Kingdom. Micah said several times, "This is the funnest week ever! I like it even more than Christmas and my birthday!" and Grady Lee has already asked if we can go back again next fall.
Disney Day #3 was spent at Epcot, and that adventure will come soon...
Aw! So much fun!!! I can feel the excitement coming through the computer screen! It is truly a magical place. Love Micah's face. Love that it mimics Grady's face on Buzz Lightyear. Love Mickey's Philarmagic (our favorite). Love Annalyse's Small World song. Love the picture of Grady Lee and Micah looking at the map! So glad you guys had a great time!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! I've been waiting and waiting for you to post pics of your fun vacation! I'm sooooo glad y'all had a great time! It truly is a magical place;)