Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summertime Joys

I'm thankful for friends. And for friends for my kids. And for friends that share generously. And for friends that are happy to get together on last-minute impulse.
I'm happy for summer and laid-back routines. And for warm swimming pools, sun-kissed bodies, and loud laughs. And for later bedtimes and later wake-up times. And for watermelon slices and ice cream cones.
I'm glad for simple pleasures. And for contagious giggles. And for thrill-seeking little boys. And for hours of fun outside.
I'm content. And not just because I have nice friends. And not just because my kids have had a happy-filled summer so far. I'm content because I have been given - in greatly undeserved amounts- a full life in family and in friends.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all had a ball!!! Summer time is the BEST!!
