When it rains it pours, or so the saying goes.
There have been several days of rain these past couple of weeks, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. My to-do list drastically shrinks when it rains. Maybe I should buy a rain machine to use over my house when I'm feeling overwhelmed with so much to do. There's a thought.
God has also rained some tremendous blessings on my family these past couple of weeks. Grady and I have received all of the financial support to serve in Bolivia. Wonderful people have stepped up to help with the childcare needs for my kids while we're gone. My mom is healing and gaining strength (albeit slowly) after surgery. Huge answers to prayer.
My family has also rained some special blessings on me lately. Beautiful flowers and delicious cookies for Mother's Day. Impromptu hugs and I love you's. An eagerness to help sort laundry, vacuum steps, and empty the dishwasher. Wonderful moments with my kids.
But back to that to do list that still needs to shrink. Today is Monday and we leave on Saturday. Between now and then, there is a lot to do. A whole, whole lot. Each evening has commitments: church meeting, friends coming for dinner, last Awana meeting, homeschool meeting, final soccer game and celebration. Each day has commitments: laundry, packing, groceries, school work, a hospital visit, therapy appointments, and a promised Chuck E Cheese visit.
I had a moment on Sunday. A short-lived and very small moment of "Oh my word I have so much to do and so little time to do it and I'm kind of, sort of a little flustered about it all." But a long nap, a few tears, a gentle husband, and a gracious God made it all better. I'm good to go now. Really, I am.
Psalm 118:24, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and me glad in it."
Let me know if you find that rain machine : ) Aren't you so thankful for a loving Godly husband? When I feel overwhelmed it is such a blessing to have John encourage me. I will be praying for you as you leave for Bolivia!