Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Atlanta Mini Vacation - Part 3

Saturday. Day three. End of our fun weekend away. [Insert tears from my boys.]

We went to bed Friday night listening to booming thunder and pouring rain and woke up Saturday to blue skies and bright sun. Hallelujah - no racing through Zoo Atlanta going from awning to awning!

After checking out of our hotel we drove to the zoo, loaded up the stroller with packed lunches and diaper bags, and hit the ground running.

The weather was beautiful. There was no humidity. There were no bugs. There were no lines or crowds. Perfect day for a perfect ending to a perfect weekend away.
While looking at the flamingos, Grady Lee informed me "that they are pink because they eat pink fish called imps [shrimps?]. I learned that from Cat and the Hat!" Oh my - I really do have a nerdy know-it-all on my hands.
We spent a while in the petting area with the sheep and goats. Grady is not a fan of farm animals and was more than happy to stay by the stroller with Annalyse.

Micah can take or leave farm animals and was mostly just interested in trying to climb on top of the feeding trough.

Grady Lee cannot get enough of farm animals and wanted to hug and kiss each one. Thankfully he obeyed my instruction to limit it to hugs only.
This picture isn't clear, but there is a tiger in the middle that is casually strutting toward the boys. Micah is roaring as loud as he can and Grady Lee is asking the tiger if its hungry.
The Komodo Dragon is as ugly as the picture shows and didn't do a whole lot other than sit on this log. Micah was super disappointed that "the dwagon didn't have fire in his mouth" and Grady Lee asked "if this animal came from a dinosaur?" Boys.
Tortoises, snakes, monkeys, koalas, giraffes, zebras, elephants... you name it and we likely saw it.
Although Annalyse had no idea where she was or what was roaming all around her, she was her usual smiley self and was content to sit and play in her stroller. I sure do love that pink, ruffly little girl of mine!
After a few hours of walking and looking, we were all tired and relaxed on a five minute train ride around a portion of the zoo. Hands down my boys thought this was the pinnacle of fun for our day at the zoo. Go figure - an jolty ride touring the backs of animal cages had my boys quiet and captivated.
When we loaded the van for our drive home, Micah and Annalyse were asleep before we were on the highway and Grady Lee sat in a trance-like state because he was so tired. Thankfully we had a short four hour drive instead of a 10 or 12 hour drive like our previous two road trips.

After a full morning at church on Sunday, we came home for long afternoon naps to recuperate from all the walking and laughing and fun. And now, now, it's back to life as usual: handling laundry, cleaning bathrooms, getting groceries, managing school work, keeping kids entertained...

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you all had such a wonderful vacation. Sounds like so much fun for two inquisitive boys. I am so impressed that Annalyse doesn't fuss with the bows--she certainly is a sweetie. (I think my favorite photo from the trip is the one of the three children on the bed resting in the hotel room--you can just see how much those boys LOVE their sister).
