Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy Weekend of "Lasts"

Whew-eeee! A busy weekend, for sure. Nothing like selling a business and trying to tie up all loose ends three days before the arrival of Baby Girl. That's the way this whole "bringing-a-child-into-the-world" thing seems to go for us:

- Grady Lee's birth: Showing and selling our Chicago home, flying to Charlotte to house hunt, and making the official move all during the birth and six weeks that followed. Nesting before he came? Not a chance - too busy packing and house hunting!

- Micah David's birth: Grady bought a vending business (um, while I was in the hospital, actually) and began some other entrepreneurial adventures in the next couple of months after Micah came. It makes complete and total sense to add a child and a business, simultaneously, to the regular family routine, right?

- Baby Girl's birth: Grady sold the vending business, began preparing for a circuit of speaking opportunities, and started some new accounting consulting work... all in the two weeks prior to baby's arrival. A 360 in career direction while preparing for #3? Again, totally normal in our family.

A soccer game, yard work, the sandbox, chalk, and bike rides... I think my boys had two and a half rounds of baths on Saturday. The half of a bath was because I was too lazy to do a full third and decided to wipe them down with a washcloth from head to toe instead.

I didn't realize chalking required so much hair-skin-clothing contact, but apparently it does. I was informed by both boys that they were "drawing Jonah and the whale and needed to lay inside the whale to color it." Ah, I see. Clearly if my eyes were open I would have been able to tell that's what you were doing. Silly me thought you were just rolling in chalk dust for the fun of it.

Grady Lee demonstrated leaps and bounds of improvement during his soccer game - meaning, he actually participated nicely rather than cry or pout or sit on the sideline and act shy. Bless his heart. And, bless Coach Dad's heart as he maintains patience with him.

Our little man, who is actually one of the youngest players on the team but also the tallest player on the team, is #6.

Micah cheers and yells "Gooooo Owange Team!" as loud as he can. He's a little trooper that runs the practice drills with the team before the game and then sits on a soccer ball during the entire game and cheers.

Today, Sunday, was a day of lasts. The last time to waddle into church. The last time to wonder if I can make it through the service without darting out to use the restroom. The last time to ask Grady to get the boys from their classes because I don't want to trudge up to the second floor. The last time to suck on crackers during the worship service so that my chewing doesn't distract anyone while I have a mid-morning snack. Yes, these are just some of the lasts that I am all to happy to call lasts.

My parents arrive tomorrow evening and my boys C.A.N.N.O.T. wait. Excited is an understatement. And, rumor has it, they are driving a mini-van here with both back seats removed because they are bringing so much stuff for us: baby girl clothes, canned tomatoes and applesauce, gifts for the boys, etc. I'm all for generous and doting grandparents... but a min-van full?! Wow.

Unless there is earth-shattering news, cannot wait to tell information, or some to-die-for pictures, I likely won't post for a few days until after Baby Girl is here on Tuesday. For those that are inclined to do so, I welcome your prayers as we ask God for a safe c-section, a healthy Baby Girl, and a quick recovery.


  1. Aw, Sarah! And last weekend as a family of 4...and last weekend as a mom to only boys! It sounds like a wonderful weekend & that is TOO cute about the boys & the chalk & the whale. I like the way they were "living" the story!
    Aw, that is just TOO exciting about your parents driving here with a van full-o-goodies! If I were your boys, I'd be camped out in the driveway all day tomorrow...just how are you going to distract them ALL day long! ;-)
    And, why not, make huge life changes all at businesses, new babies...and you are always so calm!
    By the way, we are LOVIN' the new freezer that was a casualty of the vending I can't wait for the next super doubles to stock up on all sorts of freezer goodies...and Costco, here I come!
    Love ya girl & praying for your sweet girl's safe arrival! Keep us posted!

  2. I'll be praying.

    Is there a scheduled time on Tuesday?

  3. You've made it! One final day of lasts! So glad you had a nice weekend together! May I request one more 'last'? more final belly pic please! :) Love and miss you!

  4. YAY...the big day is almost here!!!! Oh how I can't wait to hear the exciting news! PRAYING for you and your soon to be family of 5!!!!!

  5. Yay!!!! Baby girl is almost here! Glad you had a fun albeit busy weekend. Ashley gets covered in chalk too. I don't know how she does it. Alden manages just fine but not her:-) We will be praying for you all!
