Thursday, May 27, 2010

21 Down - 19(ish) To Go

Twenty one weeks are over. Approximately 19 long weeks are left. I guess the one good thing about knowing I have to have a c-section is that it can be scheduled and I can at least anticipate a fairly predictable delivery date.

Speaking of c-sections, at my last doctor appointment I asked about a zipper option: could he sew in a zipper rather than staples again so that the next few kids could enter the world with a little less pain? He told me the technology isn't there yet, but to keep my hopes up. My hopes are up - mostly because I'm going to invent and patent the idea and get a gabillion dollars for it.

Several have asked for belly pics, so here you go. How come the pics don't seem like I have much of a belly, but when I look down at myself I see a big, round stomach?

This Baby Girl is still breech - I can tell from where her kicks are landing. As in, landing on my bladder. Enough said. I'm starting to feel somewhat better - I've only napped once this week and haven't been sick since last week. Hooray for the second trimester.

In other news, my in-laws are arriving this evening and will be here through early next week. With five additional people in our home and two birthday celebrations happening, I'm not expecting much time to blog. So, see you all next week with lots of pics and lots of stories, I'm sure. (How can there not be when four toddlers under the age of four will be ransacking my house?)


  1. LOVE the belly pics, you look beautiful in PINK! Hope that you have a wonderful time with your in-laws! Can't wait to see all the fun pics & read the stories!

  2. Sarah...mother of baby are looking pretty stylish, my friend, in that hot pink top! Must say...maybe I should be sending Amy over there??? Hmmm!!!! Looking good, lady!

  3. You look absolutely beautiful and glowing, Sarah! Hmmm, my stomach looks like that now and my children are basically grown!!!!!

  4. I agree look beautiful!!!!!!!!!! Your baby bump is just precious! Can't WAIT to meet this sweet baby girl!
