Once Memorial Day passes, Team Peeler makes regular rotations to various pools and water parks all summer long. During June the pool is still fun because the chore of lugging pool towels, water toys, and the cooler aren't yet a big deal, and lathering up in sunscreen is simply par for the course. By July, however, the novelty has worn off and it's only fun if I know I can get at least a couple chapters of a book in, or a guarantee that a friend will be there to chat with. Because really, I'm so over racing for dive sticks and competing with cannon ball splashes.
For those days when I'm pooled out, my littles are happy with water balloons and the sprinkler. And I'm happy with getting chores done inside while they play wonderfully outside.
You guys, don't judge. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.
Constantly hungry boys + increasing machoness/testosterone = Get a gun and blow up a watermelon to eat a snack.
It's what we do round here in these parts, ya'll.
Sand art, water paints, coloring books.. Annalyse enjoys it all.
When the boys are occupied being loud and obnoxious outside (just ask the neighborhood - it's true), I join Annalyse for some girl time. The girl is a chatter box of questions and comments and jokes and giggles when she is one-on-one with me and I love it.Jaxton helped babysit a couple of days with me. Truth be told, he did a great job of keeping little ones entertained and playing. I can set the stage, get the supplies, and come up with ideas... but role playing? Actually pretending? Making silly voices? Jaxton is a great partner in crime.
Happy Father's Day to this handsome man! His kids adore him, I respect him, and we all cherish him. (And apparently Micah didn't get the memo to wear blue.)
Little House on the Prairie is her thing! She loves reading it, watching it, and pretending it.
There were several days this month we acquired a couple (or nine!!) extra kids. We had a busy home, a loud home, a messy home, and, hopefully, a fun home. Peeler Bed & Breakfast and Peeler Daycare always has room for one more!
Every. Single. Thing.
All. The. Time.
So. Help. Me. Lord.
Free summer kids movies - another fun alternative to lugging pool gear here, there, and everywhere. (Fact: I'm over the pool.)

Annalyse and Jaxton enjoyed a week of VBS at a local church. They went knowing only a couple of kids and ended the week asking for play dates with new friends... and constantly singing "Pharaoh, Pharaoh" at the top of their lungs. Which is great! I love hearing my kids sing and worship, especially while standing in line at Target or while looking for books in the library.
In between the swimming, bowling, movies, and friends, I can honestly say we're having a great summer spending simple time at home. My boys spend hours at Monopoly; Annalyse and I drink lemonade and play Rummikub; and Jaxton smokes me every time we play Trouble.
We're enjoying lazy mornings, flexible schedules, and time to watch cartoons or play video games simply because it's summer and that's what some of summer vacation should have!
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