During April...
- School began to wind down and, since spring weather was perfect, we spent a lot of time at various parks with friends.
- My man turned 40! He proudly embraced the new decade and reminded me the best years were yet to come. (I'm not convinced, however, because we've enjoyed some pretty amazing milestones and experiences so far together.)
- Our home school co-op ended (hallelujah!) and our weekly Bible study concluded for the summer.
- Weekends involved several baseball tournaments - and Grady Lee demonstrated great improvement in all areas and showed why he truly belonged on the team.
- We spent a week at the beach down in Alabama.
During May...
- We enjoyed a morning of strawberry picking with friends.
- Our community group gathered for a weekend camping and had THE best time.
- Generous friends gifted us with tickets to Carowinds or the day and we enjoyed riding everything with no wait times.
- We clocked the 180th day of school in early May and celebrated another year of hard work, lots of learning, and plenty of fun.
- Several friends gathered for mini golf and the botanical gardens, where we totally walked past every single flower and instead spent all time in the fountains and merry-go-round (and mud puddles).
- Grandpa and Grandma came to visit and gave so much love, encouragement, and joy.
- Friends, friends, and friends! We are thankful for them and appreciate the flexibility to spend so much time playing and exploring together.

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