It's been a
I assure you we are! So much so that making time to post simple anecdotes and pictures has felt overwhelming and like one more thing on the endless list of to-do's. And since posting here doesn't involve a whiny child, a school-related due date, a family-related appointment, a travel schedule, a financial obligation, or anyone touching me and talking to me incessantly... well, it inevitably took a back seat on priorities. Like, way back seat of an airplane by the smelly bathrooms and loud flight attendant work station.
Here I am, end of May and ready to get back to business. I miss the good-ole days where I'd type out thoughts and perspectives and interact with several of you about real life stuff. But as more kids came and as personal priorities shifted, this space has become a file cabinet of pictures and memories for my kids to enjoy and reminisce on later in life. (Pfsh. Who am I kidding? It's really so I have plenty of pages to peruse when I'm a lonely empty-nester. Because I'm told that day will come and that it's coming faster than I think it will. But really I'm not so sure because I'm still asking my kids if they remembered to use soap in the shower (because apparently sometimes it's optional) and if they could please use a napkin instead of their sleeve (even though there are occasions when we leave a restaurant and I see ketchup STILL on their face and it's either a spit-bath from me or using their sleeve and so we all opt for the sleeve) and if they will ever not care about who pushes buttons on elevators (I can't even). And, unrelated, you're welcome for all the parentheses and run-on sentences.)
Back to January.
It was a fast and furious start to 2018. Out of town guests, field trips, gymnastics and baseball, school projects, birthday parties, and suddenly it was February. But before I deal with all that is February (because that month had a LOT TO DEAL WITH), scroll through the following pics for some of what January looked like. These are in no particular order and with no explanation - just a transfer from my phone straight to this page.
I'l be back soon with February. Promise.
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