Remember waaay back to December when it was Christmas? And New Year's? And two birthdays? Well, Nana also came to visit and joined in on all that fun. (And why is it already mid-February and I'm talking about last Christmas?!)
Awesome: Nana generously gifted the two birthday boys with gifts matching their personalities and interests.Not so awesome: I'm finding Hulk Nerf bullets in the most unexpected places from Jax, and there are always decks of playing cards on every open surface in our house from Micah.
After birthday celebrations we moved on to a belated Christmas celebration. With gifts seemingly coming from Nana every day of her visit, I sure hope my kids don't begin to expect this every time!
And after birthday celebrations and a belated Christmas celebration, we moved on to a New Year's Eve celebration. This was nothing big, mind you, just a few Minute-To-Win-It games that everyone could play together.
Fun fact: Nana kicked everyone's tail and won nearly every game! She was patient. She was persistent. She was willing to be silly. And she was a winner because of it!
Please note the crying three-year old in the background. It just wasn't fair his dice didn't stay on the spoon and it was obviously everybody else's fault!
Want to laugh till it hurts? Watch someone place a cookie on their forehead and try to get it in their mouth using only their face muscles.
This is the face of cool calm, or maybe one of "Why can my mom do this and I can't?!"
Thanks, YouTube, for helping my kids ring in the new year with an artificial countdown and fireworks. Getting them in bed by 10:00 bode much better the next day rather than them staying up till midnight.
Believe it or not, once all of our partying days were over, we actually enjoyed doing normal things with Nana! Board games, card games, and, a highlight for Grady Lee, assembling his 1,000-piece Star Wars puzzle.
On Nana's last evening with us, she treated our family to dinner out, and Micah treated everyone to dessert out. So generous! So thoughtful! And so appreciated.
And just like that five days were over and Nana was loading up her car and making the long drive home again. I know Nana's love their grand kids, but I don't know of many Nana's willing to drive alone for 10 hours in the snow to visit their grand kids. She loves us well and sacrifices for us routinely... and we are so thankful for the gift she is to us!
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