Sunday, January 29, 2017

Micah David: Nine Years Old

Oh that's right! Micah had a birthday. 

Over a month ago.


But he's the middle child so things like this are supposed to happen.
As usual, all things sports, balls, and strategy topped his gift list. He did ask for tickets to the Super Bowl and while we love him, we don't love him enough for that. Or maybe we just didn't want to set the standard for future birthdays.

Lucky guy had Grandpa and Grandma here on his birthday - the benefit of having your day on the heels of Christmas, I guess.
For birthdays, our kids get to choose breakfast, dinner, and a special "thing" to do as a family. Micah began his day with cinnamon rolls an bacon, spent his afternoon shooting guns, and chose Olive Garden for dinner. Simple requests that were easy to fulfill and that meant something to the birthday boy.

And for birthday dessert? Miraculously he stepped away from his beloved pumpkin pie and opted for brownie sundaes. Whatever floats your boat when it's your birthday!

A week after his birthday he had several friends join him for laser tag, pizza, and more brownie sundaes. When we closed the door to his last guest leaving, he was struck with the reality that celebrating nine was officially over. "Mom, maybe I can have a half birthday party this summer, you think?" No. Uh-uh. Nope. Remember, we love you, but not that much.
Micah David, Happy Nine Years!

Your potential is through the roof. Your personality is magnetic. Your humor is contagious. Your kindness is tender. Your mind is creative.


But none of that is enough. It's part of who you are and part of how God wired you, but you need him. You need his truth. You need his wisdom.

Again and again I'll keep on praying, "How can Micah keep his way pure? By guarding himself according to your word. I pray that with his whole heart he will seek you; let him not wander from your commandments. Help him to store up your word in his heart, that he might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:9-11)

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