Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Jaxton Isaac: One Year!

At 11:42 am, on Friday, December 20, 2013, you were born. You entered with a scream and a wail that didn't stop until you were tightly swaddled and cradled in Daddy's arms. Now, a year later, you wear a smile more often than not and hold an irreplaceable piece of my heart.
Jax, you are full of life. Curious and happy and moving and exploring. Big eyes catching details and big smiles radiating joy.

You like to see the action: your face ping-ponging to catch it all. You like to be with your siblings: your laugh is fullest around them. You like to play outside: your delight for freedom in fresh air is obvious.
Do you know how much I love you? I don't really know either. I know that I love you so much I can't remember not loving you and I can't imagine not calling you mine. I love you because you are an undeserved gift from a gracious God. There is nothing you can do to change that and I pray this gives your heart relief and your mind confidence when life gets harder as you grow older.
And as you grow older, Jax, my constant prayer is that you desire to know God personally. Because once you know him personally, you cannot help but love him - and love him deeply. And once you love him, you cannot help but serve him - and serve him joyfully.

The scope of God's love for you? You cannot fathom. The plans God has for you? Only he knows. The purpose of your life? To know God and enjoy him. My privilege in all of this? A front row seat to see God work in you.
This past year has been full and happened fast. Sometimes I let myself get caught up in the calendar of life but I never want to rush these simple days with you being small. I want to be intentional this coming year to pause and enjoy; to stop and delight; to see and remember. You were my little baby that quickly became my little boy and will soon be my little man. And even when my hands seem too full, I do realize the days are short and passing quickly.
Jax, you've blessed our family in so many ways. Your siblings adore you, happily play with you, willingly serve you, and are your biggest cheerleaders. Your Dad works hard to provide for you, is diligent to make one-on-one time with you, happily cares for you, and desires to shepherd you into a man of God. And me? I get to watch my family learn about giving and sharing and serving and caring all because of a smiley-faced little boy. That's priceless.
I love you Jax. More than I know how to say and more than I know how to show. Happy 1st Birthday buddy!

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