Saturday, May 17, 2014

Spring Break: Creation Museum

We spent day #3 of our spring break adventures at the Creation Museum. We arrived around 10:30 and easily spent the day there until close to 4:00. Several friends have asked if one day was enough. My response: if our kids were a tad older it would have made sense to spend a portion of a second day there - listening to guest speakers and taking time to read everything. That being said, Grady and I were happy with the amount of time we did spend there and didn't feel like we had to skip past too many things. 
We enjoyed a few different theater productions - all which were very well done. Our family favorite was a special effects show that included "wind" blowing your hair and "rain drops" on your face and arms. Annalyse and Micah sat intently and took it all in; meanwhile Grady Lee was doubled over his chair trying desperately to figure out where the wind and rain were coming from. Just as the credits began to roll at the end, he was ecstatic to discover the rain source: a small hole in the armrest of his chair!
While all the exhibits were well done, the "7 C's of History" (Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation) was the main focus and took the most time to wander. Noah's ark was especially cool to see - showing ideas of how the ark may have been arranged to accommodate people and animals for so long. My Sunday school flannel graph certainly didn't show Noah feeding animals to the lions, Mrs. Noah tending a garden on the ark, or anyone doing cooking and laundry!
It goes without saying that the dinosaur display was a favorite as well. Boys + Dinosaurs = Excitement and Fun!
The temperature was unusually warm the day we visited so we enjoyed an hour outside exploring the petting zoo and walking around the gardens. Ask as they may, we said no to the kids' request for camel rides. And to the zip line. We're such un-fun parents.
After a full day at the museum, we were off to get dinner and check into our hotel. The museum was fun and my boys thought the best part was that it counted as a school day. I love when vacation and family fun count as school.
And, for those of you interested in visiting the museum but not quite sure if you want to make the drive, consider this: kids are free in 2014!

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