Monday, July 23, 2012

An Empty Week

Last week was a blur. Last weekend was a blur. Today is finally non-blurry. The kids slept until 8:00 am: win. The kids have played awesome in the toy room and their bedrooms all morning: win. We made it through Target without incident: win.
Grady is in NYC this week doing whatever it is important people like him do in fancy hotels and nice office buildings and expensive restaurants. The kids have I have (are you ready for this?) absolutely nothing planned for this week. I think this is the first week in months that my calendar has nothing. I sort of have the shakes about it, too, because it feels so strange. I must be forgetting something - remind me if I'm supposed to be somewhere or doing something, okay?
Can you believe this is the last week of July? Didn't I just put away Easter baskets and plant seeds in the garden and shop for new swimsuits and flip-flops? Get ready people: I've already witnessed Christmas trees and glittering lights on display in some stores. Obnoxious, I know.
But before my house is littered in pine needles and candy canes, I've got the summer days of August and September still. And, tightly scrunched between September and Christmas is my favorite time of all. Bring on the colored leaves, the pumpkins, the apples, the hayrides, the cider, the bonfires, the jeans and sweaters. 
I think I'm getting restless for a seasonal change because I'm reorganizing what I've already organized. Seriously. Or, maybe it's because I have a whole week in front of me with nothing to do and I feel like I have to do something so I may as well clean and organize. Besides, making Goodwill donation drop-offs feels so good.
Hall closets, toy room closets, pantry shelves, and laundry room shelves all have newly arranged bins and baskets and hooks. I'm going to add Professional Organizer to my resume. And maybe Professional Dump-If-I-Don't-Use-It-Because-I-Can't-Stand-Clutter, too.
But wait, have you noticed the theme in these pictures? While I was busy reorganizing what didn't really even need to be organized, my kids were busy playing ever-so-nicely, but ever-so-messily. So now that my closets look nice, it's time to make the rest of my house look nice, too.
Today is only Monday. And even though my calendar says there is nothing happening this week, you and I both know that life doesn't work that way. Does it?


  1. Since you're done organizing and re-organizing your house...could you please come organize mine now? Thank. :) Enjoy your empty week...I hope it's a relaxing one!

  2. Come play with me this week! :-)Want to?

  3. I LOVE weeks like that! Enjoy!

  4. I'm with Jenny, I love weeks like yours! Makes me so happy to not have somewhere to go every day, even if I don't get the house re-organized! We have had lots of days this summer where the kids play all day & wreck the house, & I love it (although I do admit the house getting all wrecked does stress me out & I love it more once we have gotten things back in order.) Enjoy your week!!

    Oh, & I totally think you would make an awesome Professional Organizer, for realz!
