Friday, June 29, 2012


I'm here still - have no fears. This blog hasn't gone under. That means the tens of you that read this can stop holding your breath. Phew-wee.
Vacation Bible School has consumed my time and zapped my energy this past week. It's also encouraged my heart and deepened my love for kids. It's been a win-win: I earned several naps and enjoyed lots of precious smiles.
I served as a Small Group Leader of 12 first graders, trooping around our church to a new event station every 20 minutes. I dare you to take on the challenge of corralling wide-eyed first graders and leading them from place to place in the midst of 650 other VBSers. I might even double dare you.
Grady Lee was ecstatic when he discovered he was in my Red Barrier Reef group, along with four of his other bestest church buddies. I was, well, I was sure I was going to have to pull out the firm voiced, big eyed Mrs. Sarah persona with those five all-energy, all-rough, all I-know-the-answer boys. But, I didn't! Well, with my own I did, but that was nearly a given.
I have VBS songs permanently etched in my mind. Motions, too. And when my boys catch me humming one of the songs they tell me "it's not the same unless you sing loud and do all the motions because that's the best way to make Jesus happy." So, naturally that means we jump and wave and flap our arms while driving, eating dinner, or taking a shower. You wish you were a fly on our walls, don't you?
You know, the really great thing about serving with first graders is that they generally think you're awesome. Yes, I just called myself awesome. But really, they do. They hug you all the time. They argue over who gets to sit next to you. They want to hold your hand. They have random, totally-unrelated-to-anything-currently-being-taught stories to tell you.
VBS programs have come a long way since I was a kid. Maybe I'm dating myself. Maybe it's because I'm now a member at a massive church. Maybe it's because of a whole lot of things, but truly, our church does a fantastic job of planning and organizing a week of intense fun and games and crafts and stories and snacks and songs, all rooted 100% in Gods Truth. It's a beautiful thing.
If I'm honest, snacks may have been my favorite part of each day. Don't judge - if you were there may be thinking the same thing too. After that, the singing and dancing was a whole lot of fun! Grady Lee told me his favorite was game time and then song time and then craft time and then Bible time. Look at that - snacks didn't even make his list. Shame on me, huh?
With over 650 kids, many of whom do not regularly attend our church, we had a great chance to connect with families in the community. And for those parents totally not interested in anything with the church but were just after a free day camp for their kids, well, their kids heard, saw, and experienced the powerful, life-changing, and beautiful love of God.
And guess what? Are you ready for this? These 650 kids brought in lots and lots of money for our week-long missions project. The money was for SIM to use for digging water wells in Ethiopia. On Thursday's big reveal, the grand total was announced: over $13,000! Each well is $200 to build, so with over $13,000 dollars donated, SIM is able to build, um, hhmmm, a whole LOT of wells in Ethiopia!  
In addition to lots of money for a fantastic cause, I've been told over 40 kids made decisions about Christ. That, that, is why I love VBS. (And the snacks, of course.)


  1. Great, great recap of VBS week! What a fantastic & A-M-A-Z-I-N-G week! I love the energy of VBS, although I could have used all day today to rest & recuperate!

  2. first, woah your church is huge. second, love the pics of all those beautiful children. and hooray for wells in Ethiopia, love, love, love that!!! clean water = mamas getting to stay with their babies and that makes this mamas heart happy.

  3. :-) reading this post brings it all back...I was almost ready to get back in the van on Friday and head to church...if only to avoid all the chores that had backed up while we were gone. It was an amazing week! So much fun! Can't wait till next years!

  4. I was so bummed when i realized we would be gone during the week of vbs! It a hight light of the summer! Riley had an amazing time though! He shared with me his verse everyday as we skyped each night!! Thank you for giving of yourself and your time!
